Top Haskell libraries and frameworks for web development

Are you looking for the best Haskell libraries and frameworks for web development? Look no further because we've got you covered.

Haskell is a functional programming language that is known for its elegant syntax, concise code, and the ability to write high-performance applications. It has a growing community of developers who are releasing libraries and frameworks for different use cases.

In this article, we will go through some of the top Haskell libraries and frameworks that you can use for web development.


Scotty is a lightweight web framework that is built on top of the WAI (Web Application Interface) library. It is easy to learn and can be used to build simple web applications quickly. Scotty allows you to define routes, middleware, and handlers using concise code that is easy to read and understand.

One of the advantages of using Scotty is its simplicity. You can get started with Scotty by creating a new Haskell file and importing the necessary libraries. Defining routes is as simple as defining a function that takes a request and returns a response.

main :: IO ()
main = scotty 3000 $ do
    get "/hello/:name" $ do
        name <- param "name"
        text ("Hello " <> name <> "!")

In the above example, we define a simple route that accepts a name as a parameter and returns a text response. Scotty uses type inference to infer the type of the name parameter and the response.

Scotty also allows you to define middleware that can be used to modify requests and responses. Middleware can be used for tasks such as authentication, logging, and compression.

main :: IO ()
main = scotty 3000 $ do
    middleware logStdoutDev
    get "/hello/:name" $ do
        name <- param "name"
        text ("Hello " <> name <> "!")

In the above example, we define a middleware that logs incoming requests and responses to the console using the logStdoutDev function. We then define a route that returns a text response.


Yesod is a web framework that is built on top of WAI and is designed to provide a strong type system and clean abstractions for web development. Yesod uses the concept of “type-safe URLs” to ensure that every URL in your application is checked at compile-time.

One of the advantages of using Yesod is its robustness. Yesod provides a rich set of features that make it easy to build complex web applications. These features include:

Yesod's template system, called Shakespeare, is a powerful and flexible templating language that can be used to generate HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

import Yesod

data Hello = Hello

instance Yesod Hello

mkYesod "Hello" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout [whamlet|<h1>Hello, World!</h1>|]

main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 Hello

In the above example, we define a simple Yesod application that returns a Hello World message. We define a data type called Hello that inherits from the Yesod type class. We then define a template using Shakespeare's whamlet function that generates an HTML response. Finally, we define a main function that uses the warp function to run the application.


Spock is a lightweight, flexible web framework that is built on top of the fast type-safe routing engine that is provided by the Servant library. Spock is designed to provide the tools necessary to build RESTful API endpoints quickly.

One of the advantages of using Spock is its fast routing engine. Spock uses Servant's efficient routing algorithm to match requests to handlers quickly. It also provides a simple API for defining routes and handlers.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Web.Spock

app :: SpockM () () () ()
app = do
  get root $
    text "Hello, World!"

main :: IO ()
main = runSpock 3000 app

In the above example, we define a Spock application that returns a Hello World message. We define a get route using the root function and return a text response using the text function. Finally, we define a main function that runs the application using the runSpock function.


Snap is a robust web framework that is built on top of the Haskell runtime system. It provides a fast and efficient mechanism for building web applications that can scale according to demand.

Snap provides a powerful set of features that make it easy to build complex web applications. These features include:

Snap's template system, called Heist, is a powerful and flexible templating language that can be used to generate HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Snap.Core
import Snap.Util.FileServe
import Snap.Http.Server

main :: IO ()
main = serveSnaplet defaultConfig appSnaplet

appSnaplet :: SnapletInit App App
appSnaplet = makeSnaplet "app" "An example snaplet" Nothing $ do
    addRoutes [("hello", writeText "Hello, world!")]
    addRoutes [("static", serveDirectory "static")]

In the above example, we define a simple Snap application that returns a Hello World message. We define a writeText handler that generates a text response. We also define a serveDirectory handler that serves static files from the static directory. Finally, we define a main function that runs the application using the serveSnaplet function.


Haskell has become a popular choice for web developers due to its elegant syntax, type safety, and high-performance. In this article, we have looked at some of the top Haskell libraries and frameworks that you can use for web development. Whether you're building a simple web application or a complex RESTful API, these libraries and frameworks have the features you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

So, what are you waiting for? Start building your next web application using Haskell today!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed