Haskell for Blockchain Development

Are you interested in blockchain development? Do you want to learn a programming language that is perfect for building decentralized applications? Look no further than Haskell!

Haskell is a functional programming language that has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially in the world of blockchain development. Its strong type system, lazy evaluation, and purity make it an ideal language for building secure and reliable smart contracts and decentralized applications.

In this article, we will explore why Haskell is a great choice for blockchain development and how you can get started with it.

Why Haskell for Blockchain Development?

Strong Type System

One of the key features of Haskell is its strong type system. Haskell's type system is designed to catch errors at compile-time, which means that many bugs can be caught before the code is even run. This is especially important in the world of blockchain development, where security is paramount.

Haskell's type system also makes it easier to reason about code. Types can be used to express the intent of the code, making it easier to understand and maintain. This is particularly important in smart contract development, where the code needs to be auditable and verifiable.

Lazy Evaluation

Haskell's lazy evaluation is another feature that makes it well-suited for blockchain development. Lazy evaluation means that expressions are only evaluated when they are needed. This can lead to more efficient code, as unnecessary computations are not performed.

In the context of blockchain development, lazy evaluation can be particularly useful for handling large amounts of data. For example, in a blockchain application that needs to process a large number of transactions, lazy evaluation can help to avoid unnecessary computations and improve performance.


Haskell is a pure functional programming language, which means that functions do not have side effects. This makes it easier to reason about code and ensures that the code is more predictable and reliable.

In the context of blockchain development, purity is important for ensuring that smart contracts behave predictably and reliably. Smart contracts need to be auditable and verifiable, and purity helps to ensure that the code is free from unexpected side effects.

Libraries and Tools

Haskell has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools that are well-suited for blockchain development. For example, the web3 library provides a Haskell interface to the Ethereum JSON-RPC API, making it easy to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

Other useful libraries for blockchain development include cryptonite, which provides cryptographic primitives, and persistent, which provides a type-safe interface to databases.

Getting Started with Haskell for Blockchain Development

If you're interested in learning Haskell for blockchain development, there are a few resources that can help you get started.

Haskell Programming from First Principles

One of the best resources for learning Haskell is the book "Haskell Programming from First Principles" by Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Haskell, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like monads and type classes.

Plutus Platform

The Plutus Platform is a development platform for building smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain. It is built using Haskell and provides a set of tools and libraries for building secure and reliable smart contracts.

The Plutus Playground is a web-based environment for testing and deploying smart contracts. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for writing and testing smart contracts, making it easy to get started with Haskell and blockchain development.

Ethereum Development with Haskell

If you're interested in Ethereum development with Haskell, the web3 library is a great place to start. The library provides a Haskell interface to the Ethereum JSON-RPC API, making it easy to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

There are also a number of tutorials and examples available online that can help you get started with Ethereum development using Haskell.


Haskell is a powerful and versatile programming language that is well-suited for blockchain development. Its strong type system, lazy evaluation, and purity make it an ideal choice for building secure and reliable smart contracts and decentralized applications.

If you're interested in learning Haskell for blockchain development, there are a number of resources available to help you get started. Whether you're interested in building smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain or interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, Haskell has the tools and libraries you need to get started.

So what are you waiting for? Start learning Haskell today and join the exciting world of blockchain development!

Additional Resources

k8s.management - kubernetes management
typescriptbook.dev - learning the typescript programming language
knowledgegraphops.dev - knowledge graph operations and deployment
logicdatabase.dev - logic database, rdf, skos, taxonomies and ontologies, prolog
classifier.app - machine learning classifiers
shacl.dev - shacl rules for rdf, constraints language
kidsbooks.dev - kids books
container.watch - software containers, kubernetes and monitoring containers
mlsql.dev - machine learning through sql, and generating sql
botw2.app - A fan site for the new zelda game The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
handsonlab.dev - hands on learnings using labs, related to software engineering, cloud deployment, networking and crypto
codechecklist.dev - cloud checklists, cloud readiness lists that avoid common problems and add durability, quality and performance
mlmodels.dev - machine learning models
datagovernance.dev - data management across an organization, data governance
trendingtechnology.dev - technology trends and news
socraticml.com - socratic learning with machine learning large language models
datalineage.dev - data lineage, tracking data as it moves from its source to down stream sources, data quality and data identification
cloudctl.dev - A site to manage multiple cloud environments from the same command line
multicloud.business - multi cloud cloud deployment and management
databasemigration.dev - database data migration, data movement, CDC change data capture, WAL log exporting

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD (haskellr@mit.edu). Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed